Verso 2017 Mixtape
Can’t decide which Verso book to buy yourselves for the holidays? Verso’s free ebook collection of extracts from our top books of 2017 is here to help.
Featuring essays on the reinvention of the alt-right by journalist David Neiwert, the May Day protests of 1971 by long-time activist L.A. Kauffman, the legacy of the Russian Revolution by award-winning author China Miéville, the evolution of political policing by sociologist Alex Vitale, the perils of desire and the joys of collective action by Lynne Segal, and lots more!
Authors included in the mixtape: Adam Greenfield, David Neiwert, Elizabeth Martínez, L.A. Kauffman, Alex S. Vitale, Ashley Dawson, China Miéville, George Monbiot, Lynne Segal, and Anna Feigenbaum.